Stress Causes Body Tension.
Stress impacts your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Your body stores the tension in your muscles that go deep to the core of your body.
Why Suffer when it isn't Necessary?
Rediscover the power of your body to release. Learn how you can release deep tension. Discover freedom from pain as you bring your physical, mental, and emotional health back into balance.
Learn the TRE in The UK with TRE UK®
Learn the Total Release Experience® A Simple, Powerful 5-Step Programme to Heal Symptoms from Stress and Release Anxiety.
The process of activating the release of tension is simple and easy to learn.
Take back control of your wellbeing. Your health will improve, end back, hip, neck and shoulder pain. Discover good sleep, no more IBS, more focus, energy and concentration. Feel happier as you heal from your past, build resilience and discover inner peace.
Take back control over your own physical, mental and emotional well-being
Save time and money trying to find someone to heal you.
Use you own innate ability to feel a lot better quicker.
The power to heal is within you - make that discovery like thousands of others have.
Why learn to Release
with TRE UK® ?
The TRE in TRE UK is about releasing tension from the core of your body which has been building up over a lifetime. You will learn to connect with your own body’s natural ability to let go! It doesn’t require talking, medication, or even touch. Although it is simple to learn, it is very powerful.
At TRE UK® Caroline the founder and Daniel her son have over 15 years of experience. Accredited by the FHT the programme is adopted by Kent Fire & Rescue, Rochester Prison, Cambridge Police, and thousands of individuals nationally and globally.
Those that do the practice enjoy great physical, mental, and emotional health transformations. You too can start to discover who you really are as you can find peace with your past. You can discover more than just the health benefits as your life can transform too.
TRE UK® offer unique online courses to learn in your time and in your space.
We share 5 great reasons to learn that we hope will resonate with you!
Healing is an inside job!
We share with you that no one can heal you like you can heal yourself. Whatever you are dealing with that leaves you feeling out of balance, physically, mentally, or emotionally you have the power to sort it!
Clients are blown away by the fact they have tried everything over the years, and when they engage with the TRE real healing begins.
Remember you haven’t tried everything until you have allowed your body to do the talking.
Stress is impacting your health anyway!
Imagine you have a stress bucket, you have been filling yours with all the stress of life and trauma that you have experienced since birth. There is no escape – stress is impacting your health every day on all levels. Your body remembers even if you have forgotten.
You may be feeling it already, especially if your bucket is getting full. Are you are experiencing back pain, IBS headaches, anxiety, depression, or mood swings for example? That is a good indicator your body is struggling to cope.
This is something practical you could do in your own private space that can empty your Bucket!
Reducing the impact is easy when you know how!
When you take back control, you will discover how swiftly it happens. There is so much complexity in life, you may feel that to find the solution to empty your bucket and solve your issues requires multilevel, multifaceted solutions.
Our programme is the most cost-effective healing experience you will ever discover. No ongoing costs once learned. Can you imagine, being free of physical, mental and emotional pain? Can you imagine having resilience like never before?
Time to do more than just cope!
There are so many ways to just cope with stress. What we ideally would do is build habits such as focusing on the present, exercise, healthy eating, sleep, and so on. You may already be coping with your own habits such as those mentioned or others.
Depends on how full your bucket is you may have adopted one of the other coping strategies. Suppress with self-medication such as alcohol, smoking, unhealthy eating, self-harm, overuse of technology, and so on. This is an indicator you are on a spiral downwards. Self-medication leads to addiction adding to the problem.
There are other ways too which we share in our programme.
Releasing your tension changes the situation as we and so many others have discovered for ourselves. We no longer need to suppress our bucket stuff for we have emptied it! We engage more and enhance with the activities we enjoy that have us feel even better. Not because we must or should but because we want to!
If you want to save time and money and discover optimum health and well-being then the Total Release Experience® is for you. You can start to change your life now!
Your opportunity to break the trend.
Are you part of the rising global health trend? Suffering from mental health issues, your anxiety and depression are on the rise? maybe physical ailments such as back pain, headaches, migraines, IBS, or perhaps even worse are very real.
You are not alone there are millions probably billions out there with you and there are more joining you that is at least what the newspapers and television stories tell us.
A major contributing factor is the build-up of tension caused by stress being stored in the body. An easy way to buck the trend is to learn how to release tension with a simple, empowering weekly practice. You will notice very soon that you will be feeling a lot better whereas the trend around you will continue to get worse.
Join us in a growing community of global releases that decided to reverse their impact on the trend as they got fed up and stopped relying on others to try and heal them by taking back control for themselves.
“Still feeling less pain in my lower back and knees. In general I seem to feel less stressed and anxious. I feel like I am beginning to feel more like my old self again. We had a sudden death of a friend last week. I feel I was able to cope with this well.”
“Unexpectedly calm, having a clearer vision of what I want to achieve in my life and a sense that I am strong enough to fulfil that goal which was missing for me previously.
“I wasn’t sure what to expect from the begging and couldn’t imagine how you can teach something like that without face to face lesson. But hat down your programme is amazing. Everything explained perfectly and actually the practice on its own is pretty simple. You just have to find the time and believe in yourself.”
When you learn TRE in the UK with TRE UK®
what do you get?
Guidance & Empowerment
Our focus is that you feel comfortable and confident even with the first strange experience of releasing the tension.
In place for you are the recorded audios so that you feel safe and supported. We offer sessions with the personal guidance of one of our trained practitioners.
As you become empowered you are encouraged to practice in your own time and space for the rest of your life. We are not there to heal you because you can do it yourself. We are always there to encourage and support.
Understanding & Insights
You will gain an understanding of what is going on physically without too much science. The practice is simple and easy to do so let’s keep the instruction like that too.
More exciting is how this will positively not only impact your health but also your whole life.
You will discover that this simple easy to do physical activity will transform you, giving you greater control over how you engage with the world and see it all in a new light.
Motivation & Inspiration
We hope to inspire and motivate you. Not just with our stories but those shared by the many clients that we have shared with. You have us in your corner and we have put in place reminders and butt-kickers to encourage you to take some time for yourself at least once a week.
We provide you with an end of course report so you can see the changes for yourself as well as provide you with the right resources to ensure you get the best from your practice. Break free from the chains of your past embracing the future with renewed hope and optimism.
Contact us NOW with your questions.
We would love to hear from you.
Learn TRE in the UK Your Regional Options
the ultimate innate solution for your well-being
Click on the button below for the current offers in your area.
Our Course overview wherever you are in the UK.
All our courses include the same resources and content. They differ only in how you learn the first two sessions.
Courses with Practitioner
1-1s (online/ personally) or in groups. Enjoy the personal interaction with a trained team member who guides you through two sessions one week apart.
The options are:
1-1s online or personally.
Learn together in a group of 5 of your friends, family, or colleagues.
The arrangements are made to suit your needs and are subject to availability.
Please contact us before you choose this option.
Learn From £395
Online Courses
You can start healing yourself now, with your partner and family. Our online course is ready for you. Click on the button below to start.
We have special offers for:
Couples – Learn with your partner, spouse, teenager, child or friend. A great way to encourage and support as you take a new control of your health.
Families or groups of 4 have a special discount too. Click on the Online Courses button below to access the current prices.
The Ultimate Innate Solution for Well-Being
Feel It To Heel It
By Caroline Purvey