The Total Release Experience®
The TRE is a life tool. Make no mistake. The Total Release Experience® improves the quality of your life. There are many stressful situations in which you may have found yourself that perhaps you have had no control over. From the most stressful to the traumatic, we sometimes find ourselves caught up in something we have no control over.
Such events can go right back to childhood. The links below are some of the key areas of life incidents or traumas you may have been caught up in that you may identify with. Many of our clients that have gone through their healing journey with our 5- Step Programme have noticed an improvement in all of the important dimensions of their life.

From birth to adulthood…
Like all of us, you are on your life journey, which started the day you were born. On the way, you encounter stress, overwhelm and trauma.
If you have endured adverse experiences, it is the likely cause of any physical, mental or emotional symptoms you are experiencing right now. Maybe you struggle with back, hip, neck or shoulder pain, IBS, insomnia, headaches, head fog, low energy and much more.
Our experience has confirmed that many have suffered from a heart attack, stroke, Parkinsons’, brain tumour and cancer from their years of past trauma.
Time to stop the clock and engage with new thinking.

A Healing Solution
Just as animals tremor to release stress, so can humans. Tremoring is innate to all of us.
Through education and experienced guidance, at TRE UK® we empower clients how to release the tension in their bodies, layer by layer. We know it is a powerful process, which is why we ensure there is a full education so that clients are enabled to self-regulate, feel safe and supported.
After the initial course, they are encouraged and motivated to become Regular Releasers for their continuous healing journey.
They discover a whole new world when free of the past – it doesn’t get more exciting.
Did you realise..
Did you realise that trapped energy caused by stress tension can not only result in illness but dramatically affects life, work, and play?
This can create a downward spiral leading to deeper anxieties that can impact your well-being on a physical and psychological level. If unchecked, you risk relationships being destroyed, careers failing, and unfulfilled dreams.
Stages of life bring different phases in health and well-being too. As one ages the impact on women as their hormones change during menopause can be life-changing as they try and cope and this includes men too.
We know that Releasing rebalances the body, and has been a wonderful support for ensuring menopause does not ruin lives.