The Impact of Trauma

I’m sure many of you have heard about the earthquake that has just happened in Nepal. I am shocked and saddened to see what has happened as the death toll rises in the thousands and nearly eight million people have been affected, When a tragedy like this happens, the...

Natures Way – What’s to lose?

How sad today's headlines are telling us that with no beds to treat mental health patients there are more deaths through suicide.  When I see people for my work they are often at the edge as they have tried everything they can and nothing has helped.  Then they...

For Children With Depression – There is Another Way.

At last it is being recognised – children who suffer from bullying, physically, mentally or emotionally unless supported and helped will carry it through to adulthood.  They hold it as the body has a memory and unless that hurt is released then it will continue to eat...

Free Presentation

There will be a free presentation on TRE Venue:  Eclipse Yoga centre, 1-3 Waterloo Crescent, Dover Kent CT16 1LA Date: Friday 5th September Time:  6 - 7:00 pm Tea/coffee provided If you would like to find out more about how and why TRE can work to release symptoms of...

PTSD – Look to Your Natural Resource

I was listening to Jeremy Vine the other day and sadly more discussion on the plight of soldiers as they return from duty.  The growing number of PTSD sufferers is too much for any organisation to cope with.  The statistics of rising numbers makes depressing reading. ...

Stress in the Workplace – Who Cares?

Stress in the Workplace - Who Cares? Some things never change.  Stress in the workplace is one of them.  Why do employers year after year continue to sit back and ignore the fact that stress is something to be addressed?  The consequence if it isn’t, costs money. ...

FREE TRE Presentation I 5th April 2014

We have a FREE presentation session in Dover that we’re looking forward to. Venue:  Eclipse Yoga Centre, 1-3 Waterloo Crescent, Dover, Kent CT16 1LA Time: 10:00 - 11:00 am Cost: FREE Come and find out what TRE (Total Release Experience) is all about and how it can...

Dealing With the Stress From Grief

I recently lost a friend of mine – 41 years of age.  She went to the Doctors on Monday with pains in her abdomen, she was sent home with medication for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). By Saturday morning she had died.  The circumstances are not the issue, but this...

Stress and Anxiety – A High Price to Pay.

I sat down recently to with a nice cup of tea to read my local paper.  I was shocked and saddened from just reading the front page.  Two main stories, the first of a mother ‘fearing’ for her child’s life every day they cross the road which is notable a black spot for...

What is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Research on the many shades of anxiety disorders, a topic of increasing relevance in today’s race-to-the-finish society, shows that social anxiety disorder is the most prevalent of anxiety issue among adults. The number of sufferers rises every year. This might be...