Strengthen the Mental Health of Children

For whatever reason, we are living in challenging times.  It is not just adults who suffer mental health problems and PTSD but also children.  We are hearing on our news tonight how 1 in 10 children have a diagnosed mental health problem. Did you know for all the...

Stress Relief

Stress Relief for all. When it comes to dealing with stress, we are none of us very good at acknowledging it.   However, the symptoms - even if we mask them from others - are real and can be debilitating.  Our body has a remarkable ability to heal itself.  This...


Addictions & stress are a serious problem.  Many people come to us for TRE in the UK and from abroad via Skype as they seek help and support,  desperately looking for release from symptoms of stress and anxiety.  What is coming through is how addictions become...

Unpredictable Stress

Unpredictable stress was again in the news  last week, as we read of the demise for the BHS workers.  Learning the company they have worked for, in some cases many years, is coming to an abrupt or unpredictable end.  Even if one tries to stay positive, for many that...

Mental Health Problems – One Solution?

The  BBC this week has covered many reports on the biggest concern the UK has alongside whether to stay in the European Union - Mental Health.  Adults, children, teenagers, any age or gender - no discrepancy.  1 in 4 people will experience mental health issues in the...

Exeter – 13th August 2016

The TRE UK™  Workshops are an opportunity for you to learn the Total Release Experience technique in a safe and supported environment.            You will learn: The background to the technique. The physiology behind the process and why it is a safe and natural way to...

Exeter – 23rd April 2016

The TRE UK™  Workshops are an opportunity for you to learn the Total Release Experience technique in a safe and supported environment.            You will learn: The background to the technique. The physiology behind the process and why it is a safe and natural way to...

“Good Bye My Lover, Goodbye my Friend“

Such moving words by James Blunt that capture feelings after a break up of a relationship.    When so emotionally attached to somebody, it is hard to let go.   This was shared with me by  a close friend. The words of the song “Did I disappoint you?  Should I be...

The Impact of Trauma

I’m sure many of you have heard about the earthquake that has just happened in Nepal. I am shocked and saddened to see what has happened as the death toll rises in the thousands and nearly eight million people have been affected, When a tragedy like this happens, the...