The Impact of Trauma on the Fire Service

The Impact of Trauma on the Fire Service

The impact of trauma on the Fire Service was heightened when listening to today’s news on the release of the Grenfell Tower Fire Report.  My heart goes out to those brave servicemen and women who undoubtedly are still battling with the trauma of the unforgettable...

PTSD – Some Questions Answered

PTSD – Some Questions Answered

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is something many of us are aware of but can we say we know everything about PTSD? PTSD is a growing problem. Particularly for services sector personnel. In this Blog, we answer some questions for you. Post-traumatic stress...

Suicide – Time to Take Stock

Suicide – Time to Take Stock

Personally, I don’t like the word ‘Suicide’.  I looked up the meaning on Wikipedia. ‘Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death.’ In my view – nobody wants to die.  They are just at a point where they feel in so much pain, be that physical, mental or...

The Dangers of Stress and  Addictions!

The Dangers of Stress and Addictions!

Not the answer at Christmas. Working with many who have suffered stress and how it has led to addictions has prompted me to share my thoughts on this. Stress is a part of life that never seems to go away.  Christmas is no exception. If we let it fester and turn to...

Healing from Trauma in the Fire Service

Healing from Trauma in the Fire Service

Listening to today’s news on the release of the Grenfell Tower Fire Report, my heart again goes out to those brave servicemen and women who undoubtedly are still battling with the trauma of the unforgettable tragic events on 14th June 2017.  The work for all personnel...

An Interview with Dr Graham GP

An Interview with Dr Graham GP

An interview with Dr Alison Graham  GP reveals that she is exceptional and puts patients first. Her dedication to keeping exploring new ways of healing that in particular, would benefit children. The importance of their future well-being is shared in this interview...

Avoiding Stress and Anxiety at Christmas

Avoiding Stress and Anxiety at Christmas

Stress Builds Stress and anxiety implodes at this time of the year - no matter what budgets and controls we have in place, the pressure to give to children and loved ones because of expectations causes the headache not on Christmas day but in the weeks after when the...