Symptoms of Trauma & Stress

Jun 9, 2018

Anxiety and Tension lead to problems

Do you recognize the signs of high levels of stress, anxiety, and tension in people who are a part of your life?  With the world becoming a hectic place to reside in with each passing day, it is becoming more and more important to notice the mental health of those around you.  Being able to recognize when a person you care about is suffering internally,  can make all the difference in the world for that individual.

Here are symptoms you will observe in a person who is stressed or traumatized, They maybe silently screaming for help:

Emotional Signs

Emotional indicators of stressed individuals include a feeling of being overwhelmed too often and feeling like things are spiraling out of control. People who are stressed will be moody, frustrated and have difficulty in feeling relaxed. They will tend to avoid the company of people and prefer staying alone.

Physical Indicators

People suffering from a lot of anxiety, stress, tension and trauma will feel like they are low on energy and will experience frequent headaches. They will have trouble sleeping and body aches and a rapid heartbeat will become a normal occurrence in their lives. Stressed and traumatized individuals will be nervous around you and will be prone to shaking and swearing excessively.

Mental Signs

People with a great deal of tension and stress in their lives will have reduced concentration levels and diminished perception. Their judgment will be poor and they will be indecisive in most areas of their life. Individuals suffering from anxiety due to a hectic life will lack in motivation and will display low levels of creativity.

Any amalgamation of these three indicators should notify the presence of anxiety and tension in an individual. Other signs include an increased use of caffeine-containing products, drugs, and alcohol. Keeping people you care about safe from drowning in their troubles by recognizing the issue through these symptoms will make it easier for them to power through the difficult time successfully.

All this tension and anxiety resides in the body and figs the mind.  When it spirals out of control, there is another on the list awaiting support for their mental health.  Current solutions – talking or medication.  No wait before you give up there is something else.  You can take control and heal yourself.  The body remembers and so the body must release.   The Total Release Experience® teaches you how to heal yourself and start to get your life back on track.