Importance of Children’s Menat Health
Good mental health is essential for a healthy and robust lifestyle. Whether a child of ten years of age or an adult who just reached fifty years of age. Consequently, issues like continuous anxiety and tension can have a significantly drastic effect that lasts a lifetime. A lot of importance should be given to the mental health of children, The type of childhood they have will impact their entire life and the way their personalities and characters are shaped.
The following features are the two of the most important basis of the good mental health of children and have a great impact on their life as they grow up:
Unconditional Love from Family Members
One thing that should be at the basis of every family life is unconditional love. Especially relevant is to give support, security, and acceptance. Just some of the things that a child needs as he/she is growing up. The absence of any one feature can cause havoc in both the present and future life of a child, and open them up to bouts of anxiety and tension. Because everyone makes mistakes and they should be accepted and dealt with properly without going overboard.
A Safe and Sheltered Environment
Children are more prone to becoming frightened of something that exists around them or something that is in their minds. The first step to take is to find out exactly what they are scared of and is giving them anxiety. After finding out attempt to remove the fear. Childhood fears stay with individuals as they grow up and becomes a permanent part of their life. Such fears can haunt them for years if they are not handled at the right time. Adults sometimes do not understand the fear or its origin. Dealing with it is the main action to pursue instead of marking their fears as trivial and waving them off.
Getting rid of any aspect of a child’s life that may affect them and mark them for life is an adults responsibility. It should not be hedged on at any cost. Even something that seems minute can have an immense impact on a child and mar their innocence and cause their mental health to weaken forever.
Children and the Total Release Experience® (the TRE)
There are limited resources and options for children if they suffer anxiety. Talking being the main one. For some talking is not an option for the many children, unfortunately, have endured a history of stressful to traumatic situations often at the hands of the ones supposed to love them. Freeze is their defense mechanism. We work with many adults who suffer because of the trauma is held in their body from an early age. The TRE for children is such a simple yet powerful practice. Learning the TRE enhances their chance of letting go of their anxieties and build resilience for their future. Then they can have the hopeful future they deserve.