Mental Health Problems – One Solution?

Feb 19, 2016

The  BBC this week has covered many reports on the biggest concern the UK has alongside whether to stay in the European Union – Mental Health.  Adults, children, teenagers, any age or gender – no discrepancy.  1 in 4 people will experience mental health issues in the next year according to WHO.   There are many underlying reasons from day to day stresses to deep and complex traumas.

Why is the problem of helping individuals suffering anxiety, depression, IBS and many other symptoms proving so hard to solve?  Could be something to do with the fact that despite all the different treatments and therapies available, the one that really helps has yet to be applied.


Every time we are in fight/flight the body contracts, muscles flinch and that included the psoas muscle.  That little known hidden treasure that is a storehouse of blocked emotions and feelings of all life’s experiences.  Like a memory book of our life story and all stored as blocked energy.  Did you know we can get rid of that energy and feel a whole lot better with very little effort?


The Total Release Experience teaches you how to activate your tremor mechanism and release the blocked energy that is causing many of your health problems.  Just like animals – we can survive the worst things in life by letting go through a simple practice that is incredibly powerful.  It is cheap, it is natural, no talking and no drug taking.  Visit  and find out how you can save yourself or a loved one from further mental and physical decline.